
Press releases

Information for Customers

We would like to inform you that due to changes at the currency market PASHA Bank has revised the tariffs for conversion transactions via payment cards.

Starting January 11, 2016 for currency conversion operations through AZN card accounts within the Republic of Azerbaijan and abroad the commission in the amount of 4% is applied. For currency conversions through card accounts in foreign currencies the commission rate remains 0.5%. For transfers within multi-currency card accounts the rate becomes 0.5%, but for payment and withdrawal operations in foreign currency through AZN account conversion fee of 4% is applied. For cash withdrawal through payment cards within the Republic of Azerbaijan has been set a daily limit of 200 USD / EUR / GBP.

During currency conversion transactions via payment cards, the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan (on the day of "write-off") and above described corresponding tariff are applied. Considering the risks arising from currency rate changes and conversion tariffs PASHA Bank recommends Customers not to make conversion operations through payment cards. In order to execute transactions in any currency Customers are advised to use cards in the same currency. When making the transaction from multi-currency cards Customer needs to pay attention to the main currency of the card account and the availability of funds in required currency sub-account. These recommendations are made to prevent Customers from possible losses.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to address them to us. We would like to thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards,
PASHA Bank,940/lang,en/