
Press releases

PASHA Bank adopts SWIFT Alliance Lifeline

PASHA Bank, one of Azerbaijan's largest banks, has started to use SWIFT's Alliance Lifeline Premium service.

SWIFT Alliance Lifeline is a cloud service that enables users to exchange messages and continue using SWIFT if their standard connection becomes unavailable. This, therefore, enhances resilience and provides reliable back-up to support existing infrastructure. Unlike the standard SWIFT Alliance Lifeline service, Alliance Lifeline Premium allows users to begin sending messages immediately, without needing to wait for activation by SWIFT.

PASHA Bank's Deputy Chairman of the Board and Chief Operating Officer, Emil Hajiyev, commented: "By adopting the SWIFT Alliance Lifeline, we are ensuring that our SWIFT infrastructure is as resilient as it can be. SWIFT is vital for modern banks, and SWIFT Alliance Lifeline provides a cost effective way to safeguard our SWIFT access in the unlikely event our network connection is interrupted. ",923/lang,en/