
Internal committees

Human Recourses Expert Group

Composition of Human Recourses Expert Group
1. PASHA Holding, Deputy CEO, Shahin Mammadov – Chairman
2. PASHA Holding, Group HR Manager of HR Department – Jamal Ismayilov - Member
3. PASHA Holding, Group HR Director of HR and Administrative Affairs Department – Ayten Abbasli - Member.

Functions of the Group:
• The Human Resources Committee of the Bank is formed to conduct preliminary examination and provide recommendations to the relevant supervisory board of the Bank with respect to priority tasks of the human resources policies of the Bank.
• The Committee shall report to the Supervisory Board of the Bank on a regular basis.
• The Committee shall act under the powers granted thereto by the Board and in accordance with the relevant internal regulations concerning the Committee of the Bank.
• The work of the Committee shall be governed by the applicable laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the internal regulations regarding the Committee of the Bank, resolutions of the Board, and other applicable internal documents of the Bank, approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of the Bank, as well as by own resolutions.,1697/lang,en/